July 1 I Wednesday
Job 20-21
Acts 10:24-48
“…even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You.”
—Psalm 139:12
Does God have a plan for our life? And if He does, how do we know what it is? The answers may seem dark and unclear, often eluding many of us. Life would be so much easier if we had a spiritual GPS that gave us the answers. We wish God would just tell us, “Go to this university and study this subject. See that girl over there? Marry her. Accept this job. Buy this home in this town and live happily ever after.”
Asking, “What is the will of God for our life?” is an important question, but it should not be the first question. The first one should be, What is the will of God? Period. This places the focus on God—His will, His interests and His agenda on a much greater scale than how it affects just us. What is it that God is already doing, which pre-dates and will post-date us? What is the big picture, and how can we play a part?
We can liken this to a job interview. The first question we consider is not what the employer will want us to do, but what is the nature of the business. Businesses do not exist to give jobs but to fulfill a purpose. Once knowing the nature of the business, we will then be able to tell a prospective employer what we can do within that company to fulfill its purpose. In the same way, God has a purpose for each of us, but our individual roles will only be meaningful if we find fulfillment in the big picture.
Paul writes, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). This does not mean God will make the road smooth and easy. He has a wonderful plan, but our individual roles in that plan will include equipping, preparing and molding us into who He wants us to be. There will be hurdles to overcome and oppositions to face. We may have to trudge through painful circumstances or shoulder burdens we feel inadequate to handle, but in them we draw on the strength of God who has a purpose for everything He does.
With little exception, we will go through dark tunnels, feeling lost, confused and overwhelmed. It is in these times we are to rest in God, knowing that even the darkness is as light to Him. God sees the big picture, and as we trust Him to work out His plan for our lives, we will come to approach even the darkest and most difficult days with confidence and purpose.
Prayer: Lord God, even though times may seem dark and I do not know where You are leading me to go, help me always to trust in Your goodness to prevail. Thank You, Lord.
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