Isaiah 39-40
Colossians 4

“Then [Jesus] turned towards the woman and said to Simon, “...I came into your house. You did not give Me any water for My feet...You did not give Me a kiss...You did not put oil on My head....” Luke 7:44-46

Simon the Pharisee invited Jesus into his home for dinner and became disturbed when a sinful woman came weeping and wiping Jesus’s feet with her tears. Jesus dived into the true heart of the issue as He boldly confronted Simon, “I came into your house. You did not give Me any water for My feet, but she wet My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give Me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing My feet. You did not put oil on My head, but she has poured perfume on My feet” (Luke 7:44-46).

In the Middle East, hospitality was a massive deal; in fact, even to this day, it is still highly regarded in that part of the world. When a guest would enter a home, servants would wash the guests’ feet. The host would also give the guests a kiss as a sign of friendship and welcome, and anoint them with oil as a sign of hospitality and unity. To neglect these acts was a disgrace and insult that showed hostility and disrespect.

How would we have reacted if we were invited as guests to a home in the Middle East and none of these hospitality practices were bestowed upon us? Would we get up and leave because we know we are not welcomed or would we endure the disgrace, insult and hostility from the host? From the moment Jesus entered Simon the Pharisee’s home, He knew He was not welcomed. Jesus could have left the dinner because He was disgraced, but instead, He forgave these sins and took His seat at the table, which was an act of grace towards Simon.

For the woman, as she saw all of this unfold with the dramatic insult and disgrace intended towards Jesus, she entered into His disgrace, into His suffering and wept at His feet. If Simon had understood who Jesus was, he would have joined the woman in pouring out his best for Jesus instead of disgracing Him. The woman’s weeping was her public display of worship. She was the only one at the party who saw Jesus correctly. She was sent by God to open the eyes of Simon and the other Pharisees; in fact, we may even call her the missionary in the story. She was the one sent to reveal Christ to the blind and the lost. Her worship was a lavish display of her understanding of who Jesus actually is, and intended to point others towards Him.

Will we worship Jesus boldly? Are we willing to become undignified and disgraced for Jesus? Or do we care about our reputation too much?

Dear God, I am willing to be undignified and disgraced for You. Thank You for the example that the sinful

woman set on what it means to worship You boldly.

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