Ecclesiastes 1-3
2 Corinthians 11:16-33
“The LORD said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, ‘Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring for ever.” —Genesis 13:14-15
What does a promise mean? The word “promise” is defined as “a declaration that causes hope, expectation or assurance.” Promises are a part of everyday life, whether it is a promise to take out the garbage, to meet someone at a particular time or to pay our rent. We, however, live in a broken world where sometimes, despite our best intentions, promises are broken. For example, when people get married, they make all kinds of promises in their marriage vows.
In my house, we have our marriage vows fixed to our wall. Some of the questions include, “Will you promise to love, hold, cherish and protect her? Will you pledge yourself to be sensitive, listening and honourable to her?” About twenty years ago, I said, “Yes, I do. I will.” But if I were asked today, “Will you pledge yourself to be sensitive, listening and honourable to her?” I would honestly respond, “Yes I will, but sometimes when the football game is on, I may not listen well.” There are also moments when I am insensitive to what my wife needs. Sometimes promises are made and through understandable circumstances of life, they are broken.
This may cause us to approach the word “promise” with a bit of uncertainty, because we have experienced broken promises. Yet, when we approach Scripture, we need to realize that the promises of God are the only truth that is certain in an uncertain world. God’s promises are faultless, ironclad and unshakeable. They are the only promises that we can hold on to with absolute certainty.
When God called Abram to leave his country, his people and his father’s household, He promised to make Abram into a great nation and a blessing. Abram, however, was slow to complete his calling. Not until the death of Abram’s father did Abram finally step foot in Canaan, and since Abram and Sarai did not have any children, their nephew Lot was almost like an insurance policy, representing a descendant from Abram’s family line. It was only after Lot parted from Abram that God reappeared to Abram and said, “Look around from where you are…All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring for ever. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted” (Genesis 13:14-16). When Abram finally stepped into the fullness of all that God had for him, God reaffirmed His covenantal promise to Abram.
May we be confident that the fulfilment of God’s promises are not dependent on us, but on God’s faithfulness. He is the promise keeper.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, You are the promise keeper. In You, I trust. Thank You, Lord, for Your faithfulness towards me. Praise You!
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