August 23 I Sunday

Psalms 113-115

1 Corinthians 6

“But now your kingdom will not endure; the LORD has sought out a man after His own heart and appointed Him ruler of His people, because you have not kept the LORD’s command.”  —1 Samuel 13:14


What is the criterion that sets a person apart as useful to God? From the tragic fall of King Saul to the epic rise of King David, we see an essential factor that is vital in being of service to God––the heart.

King Saul was the first monarch of Israel whom God had anointed. God had given him great success in military ventures, but Saul soon grew proud and arrogant, even setting up a monument in his own honour at Carmel. He disobeyed and eventually fell away from God. In 2 Chronicles 15:2, the prophet Azariah writes, “The LORD is with you when you are with Him.” This means God is with us when we are on His agenda. Saul had ceased to be with God, so God withdrew His Spirit from him, and Saul no longer had the power, provision or anointing of God. What Saul failed to realize is that no one is indispensable to God; rather, it is God who is indispensable to us.

David, Saul’s successor, did not see himself as someone in authority when he became king over Israel, but under authority as a servant of God. He was a complete contrast to Saul. David’s will and agenda were totally submissive to God. Throughout the books of Samuel, David always “inquired of the LORD.” He repeatedly described himself as “God’s servant” and continually sought the will of God. David had no plans of his own, which is what simplifies the Christian life. We operate under God’s authority, and we leave the consequences to Him.

In our service to God, it is far more important that we are concerned with the cause and not the consequences. Otherwise, we will start manipulating things in our favour, which often backfires and leaves God out. That is not to say everything will always go smoothly. There are often obstacles and opposition we face, but we operate in dependence on God, trusting Him to accomplish His purpose. When things go well, enjoy it, but when things are tough, endure it––just as long as our cause is seeking the will of God.

Jesus is the orchestrator of all He calls us to do. We cannot make our own plans and expect God to bless them. Instead, we recognize the right of Christ to reign in our lives and inquire what His plans are. Jesus said, “...where I am, My servant also will be” (John 12:26). Jesus will do the leading, and as we step out in faith and obey Him, He acts. David is known as “a man after God’s own heart,” and this is the criterion God looks for in every Christian––the heart.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for the inspiration we have in David. Help me become a person after Your own heart, seeking Your will above all things. Praise You!

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