September 8 I Wednesday

Proverbs 3-5

2 Corinthians 1

“The LORD is King for ever and ever; the nations will perish from His land.”   —Psalm 10:16


David gives us a glimpse of his personal prayer life and relationship with God through Psalms 9 and 10. In Psalm 9, David begins with worship towards the Lord and who He is, but changes his tone in Psalm 10, as David becomes disheartened with the attributes and the attitude of the wicked man. David calls for God’s hand over the helpless, the afflicted and the fatherless.

      David then closes his prayer by reminding himself that the Lord is the rightful ruler of the land. David declares, “The LORD is King for ever and ever; the nations will perish from His land” (Psalm 10:16). David acknowledges that he has delegated authority, and not ultimate authority; only God is the rightful King and Ruler of the nation of Israel. David does not absolve himself of doing nothing, as a king under the true King, but he seeks the heart of the true King. David lays his concerns before Him and awaits His orders.

      Psalm 10 reminds us that there will be elements in this world that are hostile towards God. Although God may seem distant and the wicked may seem prosperous, we can bring all of that struggle before Him in prayer. As we pray for biblical justice in a broken world, we are reminded that He is the God of the downtrodden and the weak. We see that reality in a profound way in the New Testament, when God entered His creation in the Person of Jesus Christ, who came in weakness, vulnerability and humility. He was a Man of sorrows, familiar with suffering, as He ultimately suffered death on a cross at the hands of the wicked.

      Our Saviour knows the reality of Psalm 10 firsthand in a way that few of us ever could. He knows how the wicked seek to triumph over the seemingly weak. Jesus Christ was crucified in weakness, but was raised in power from the grave victoriously over sin and death. He is the King of kings, and Lord of lords. We know that one day, He will return and put right what is wrong in our broken world. He will restore justice and weed out the wickedness that seeks to supress and exploit the weak.

      Psalm 10 is the type of prayer that invites us to pray out the pain we see in the world and remember that our Lord is Yahweh. His name promises us that, “All that I am, I will be to you continually.” Our Saviour is the God who listens, considers, cares and comes to the aid of His children.


Prayer: Dear Yahweh, I am grateful that I can open my heart and pour to You the pains that I see in this world. Thank You for listening, considering, caring and coming to my aid.


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