Genesis 1-3
Matthew 1
“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’” —Matthew 22:37-39
At the beginning of every year, we often do two things. The first is we look back at the year before and reflect on all that had taken place: all the high moments, low moments, things that the Lord had brought us through and new opportunities that we had. The other thing is we look forward to the year ahead and contemplate what this year would look like, which may materialize itself in New Year’s resolutions, goals or promises. Some of the classic New Year’s resolutions are to get in shape by going to the gym every day, or to read a book a month for the entire year or to floss every day. But, of course, there are some of us whose New Year’s resolution is to stop making resolutions. Why? Because if a resolution is not made then it cannot be broken.
The reason behind why most people make a New Year’s resolution, goal or promise is in some sense to use the New Year with its new beginning as a time to reset, refocus and reprioritize. It is a time where we set new priorities, new habits and new rhythms that are good and can help improve our life, our relationships and our health. As we look into the year ahead and think in the midst of all our planning, our dreaming and our goals, may we remember what really matters. Paul tells us, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:1-2). Paul’s point is for us to set our minds on things above—on things that are eternal.
How do we set our mind on things that are eternal? We do this by prioritizing loving God and loving people, choosing to recenter on the core of what it means to follow Jesus and deepening our relationship with Him by spending time each day in His Word. In our interactions with others, we strive to be a loving neighbour, a patient friend, a supportive child to aging parents, a present parent with our children and an honest worker or boss.
Within all the planning, the dreaming and the goals that we may have for 2024, may we remember what truly matters and fix our hearts and minds on what is eternal. As we would do, we will overflow with God’s love, grow in His knowledge and understanding, and become more like Jesus. If we have never made a New Year’s resolution before, may this be the one we make and keep throughout the year.
Lord Jesus, thank You for a new year. May this be the New Year where I prioritize loving You and loving others, keeping my heart and mind on what is eternal.
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