Psalms 26-28
Acts 22

“[Paul] planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

Last summer, I (Brett McBride) had the opportunity to go to India and spend some time with our missionary partners. During one car ride, I asked one of our partners about how he and his family came to faith. It was fascinating to hear his story: His father was a high priest in Hinduism, and they were part of a very high caste in society. His father would interact with spiritual forces from the dark side and literally go out into the woods with a skull and bones to engage in black magic. Then, he would send the spirit to go plague different people. The more he did it, the more troubled he felt within and he found no peace. In the middle of the night, he would be awakened by these dark forces that would come and plague his mind and his heart.

His father had a friend who was a believer and he invited him to an outreach event that the Billy Graham Association was doing in India. As his father listened to Billy Graham, he heard the gospel and the truth and reality of Jesus. At that moment, increasing amounts of peace started to come into his life, to the point that he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. In an instant, all the spiritual darkness and all the turmoil departed from him, and he had the wealth of heaven deposited in his life. But the story did not end here.

His father was so caught up in the wealth that had been deposited into his life that he felt the call to missionary service. He started to reach out to the villages around him and started to raise support. Over his lifetime, he reached about 40 villages around him and whole people groups started to turn from darkness to the light of Jesus Christ. The man sharing the story grew up in this home and was a bit rebellious, with some prodigal moments throughout his high school years, but went to a meeting, heard the gospel, gave his life to Jesus and felt the call into missionary service. This man reached close to 80 different villages and people groups with the gospel.

Billy Graham never knew that a man listening to what he was preaching would one day reach 40 villages, his son reach close to 80 villages, and altogether, almost 120 villages would come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Billy Graham was simply faithful in preaching the good news of Jesus.

Like Billy Graham, we are all called to be faithful to point people to Jesus and trust the seed that is 
sown would bring about its own harvest of righteousness by God.

Dear God, I ask that You help me be faithful in sharing Your good news to the world, taking every opportunity to point people to the true source of peace and hope in this world. Thank You, Lord

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