Numbers 9-11

Mark 5:1-20

“So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?” 
—Luke 16:11-12

How are we with our finances? While there are many ways to consider our relationship with money, a framework we could use is live, give, grow and owe. Firstly, we use money to live, to put food on the table, for the clothes on our back, to pay for the shelter we live in and to enjoy the lifestyle that we currently have. Secondly, we use money to give, to share with others, to make charitable donations, to give towards God’s kingdom work and to return a portion to God as an act of worship. Thirdly, we use money to grow our resources, to invest for a rainy day, to store up for seasons where we might need more resources or to save for retirement. Lastly, we borrow or owe money to pay for expenses that we do not have cash on hand for, whether it is an investment into our education by taking student loans, or purchasing a home and having a mortgage on the property or purchasing a car and having to finance it.

The Bible contains about 2,300 verses on money. Money is presented throughout Scripture as a tool, a test and a testimony: a tool to be handled carefully, a test of one’s obedience, allegiance and trustworthiness, and a testimony to the faithfulness of our God. Money is given to us as a gift to enjoy but also a sacred trust to steward carefully. What is stewardship? The Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines “stewardship” as “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” As we study Scripture, we see how God shaped and formed His people’s stewardship of the material and financial blessings that He poured into their lives.

How are we stewarding our finances? Some of us are living by biblical principles, where we are stewarding God’s resources in a right, correct and good manner as our lifestyle is under control, our debt levels are not out of balance, we have money in our savings and we have experienced His joy in being generous towards the needs of others. Others of us may sense a need to grow in certain areas and get in control of things that may be out of balance in our life, like our lifestyle, paying off our debt, storing up for the future and a rainy day, or learning the joy that Jesus describes in living generously.

No matter where we are financially today, Jesus is calling us to a greater place of freedom as we come to Him and learn from Him how to steward His money and resources.

Lord Jesus, I ask for Your wisdom and guidance to steward the resources and financial blessings that You have entrusted to me to live, give, grow and owe. Thank You, Lord.

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