March 30 I Monday

Judges 9-10

Luke 5:17-39

“And because the gracious hand of my God was on me, the king granted my requests.”  —Nehemiah 2:8


When God places a burden on our hearts and gives us a vision of helping in some way, He does not leave us wondering how to go about it. He confirms
our direction.

We see God ordered and engineered the way for Nehemiah to leave the service of the king in Susa. The king did not dismiss the fact that Nehemiah did not hide his melancholy from him; when normally, this would have been enough to alleviate any man of service, if not his life. Rather, God moved the king’s heart to ask Nehemiah, “Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart” (Nehemiah 2:2). Nehemiah answered the king by conveying the trouble his country and people were in. Not only did the king grant Nehemiah permission to leave for Jerusalem, but he also gave him materials needed to rebuild the city walls as well as a safe passage there.

When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he went to a number of places to make sure all he heard was true. Equipped with full knowledge of the state of the walls, the city gates and what was required, Nehemiah gathered together the priests, nobles and officials of Jerusalem and told them his vision. “Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.” Then Nehemiah told them about the gracious hand of God on him and what the king had said. The people replied, “Let us start rebuilding”
(Nehemiah 2:17-18). When what we are doing is part of God’s will, He confirms the direction.

Nehemiah not only explained his vision, but he backed it up with his own testimony of what God had shown him and how the king had cooperated. This resonated deeply with the people, and Nehemiah’s concern became theirs as well. When God is at work in our hearts, He is also at work in other people’s hearts with the same purpose. The singular Nehemiah has now become plural, and from here on in is “us”, “we” and “they.” 

God is willing to speak and confirm direction, but if we are going to be workers together with Him, we need to hear His voice, which makes essential our quiet times alone with God. The big temptation, however, is to rush things and run on our own timetable. God is never in a hurry. When we wait upon Him, He puts the right people in the right place at the right time for His purpose. It is His plan, His timetable, and in all God calls us to—He confirms.


Prayer: Dear Lord, grant me a discerning heart that hears Your voice and give me direction so that I may be a fruitful servant. Confirm in Your way what You will for me. Thank You, Lord.

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