September 30 I Wednesday

Isaiah 9-10

Ephesians 3

“It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me.”   —Philippians 1:7


Partnership in the gospel with a missionary is one of the greatest joys in the Christian life. When we partner with a missionary––someone who is living their life on missions––it helps reframe our perspective, our worldview towards what is important in life and gives us the ability to participate in meaningful life-changing ministry.

For example, there is a couple serving as missionaries in South Africa. The husband was an architect and his career was taking off in the marketplace, but they left the comforts of their life in Toronto, Canada, to follow God’s call to serve in the mission field. Part of how God used the husband’s architectural skills is to establish feeding centers, where some of the most poor and vulnerable in South Africa could be fed, nourished and encounter the love of Christ. The husband made a comment on one of the buildings he put together, “In this tin shack, a handful of ladies cooked for 80 plus children amidst the lockdown in South Africa.” And he continues, “As an architect, I have studied and admired a few cathedrals, but this may be the most beautiful one that I have ever seen.” What a perspective to have! As we serve and make our lives available to God, He reveals Himself to us through these moments and allows us to see the world differently through His eyes.

There is a man who partnered with a missionary couple who operates an orphanage in Mexico. He helped fund the orphanage and even led multiple mission trips to serve alongside the missionary couple. Through the partnership, this man had been richly blessed; his perspective towards what is important in life had been framed. The joy that he has when he speaks of the couple’s mission is as though he is speaking of his own ministry, because in fact, he is. When we partner with a missionary in the gospel, the grace that is upon their life also comes upon our lives. The affection of Christ is shared between partners.  

As we partner with a missionary, we are the ones who are blessed, because it reminds us of what is important in life and protects our own values from getting misaligned from the values of the kingdom. When we come together as one in God’s global mission, the body is strengthened. In fact, both parties––the missionaries and the supporters––are blessed through the coming together. If we have not connected with a missionary and committed to pray, support and carry them through their ministry, what better time to consider partnering than now?

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for missionaries who faithfully serve You in the mission field. I commit to joining them by praying, supporting and carrying them through their ministry. Amen!

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