Joshua 4-6

Luke 1:1-20


“And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.” —Colossians 4:3

Paul’s missionary journeys were not a case of studying a map, and deciding what the most strategic route with the best benefits and yielding the greatest results would be. It was a case of “pray that God will open a door.”

Paul had no agenda of his own other than to obey the leading of God. Paul made plans, but they were subject to change by the Holy Spirit. On his second missionary journey, Paul considered going to Asia, but the Holy Spirit said “no.” Then to Bithynia, but again the Spirit stopped him. That night he was given a vision of a man in Macedonia, saying, “Come over here and help us.” Paul concluded God was opening a door for him in Greece and followed the calling.

After Paul’s third missionary journey, Spain was on his agenda, but God had other plans, which ultimately led to his imprisonment in Rome. As a result, the gospel message spread throughout the whole palace guard and a church was formed within Caesar’s own household. During two years of house arrest that followed, Paul was allowed to preach freely from his quarters, and many people heard about Jesus Christ. Rome was the heart and hub of the known world at that time, and the gospel spread rapidly through a network of communication and travel the Romans had already put in place.

Paul writes, “Devote yourselves to prayer,” and of the gospel, he says, “Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:2, 4-6). This is a prayer not only for the preacher, but for every Christian. Scripture can be complex, and we need the leading of the Holy Spirit in conveying the gospel with clarity. We make the most of every opportunity by our conversations being full of grace, always humble and with kindness towards those who have yet to come to Christ.

“Seasoned with salt,” Paul says, which is to preserve the Word of God, not only in our minds but also in our hearts, which is reflected in the way we live. “So that you may know how to answer everyone,” presupposes our witness will prompt questions; if we are seasoned with salt, we will be equipped to answer. The greatest message ever given is the gospel message, and everyone needs to hear it. As we pray, we will find the Spirit of God opening door after door for us.

Lord God Almighty, help me to be more devout in my prayer life. In my witness for You, may I convey the gospel with clarity, humility and kindness. Thank You, God.

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