Job 25-27
Acts 12
“The LORD had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” Genesis 12:1
There are three things that provide us a sense of identity in who we are in the world—our country, our people and our family. Yet, these were the very things that God was calling Abraham, in the opening verse of this devotion, to leave behind—to let go.
Abraham was called to let go of living from his national identity and discover his identity in God. We should not construe this as God erasing Abraham’s identity; rather, God was going to shape Abraham and his descendants into a new nation. Abraham was also called to let go of his people. Unlike the people in Genesis 11 that gathered and hoarded as many resources to build an empire to their own great name, God was interested in forming Abraham into a different kind of tribe, one interested in blessing all the peoples on earth. Finally, Abraham was called to let go of his family, those closest and dearest to him. In the ancient Near East, family was everything; it gave security, ability to get employed, significance, and even retirement. Abraham was called to let go of all of that in order to follow God’s calling on his life.
The Lord told Abraham, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:2-3). Did we notice the “I will” statements that God made? This was about what God would do for Abraham and not what Abraham would do for himself. When Abraham let go and rested not on his own resources or ability, he discovered the “I will” of God.
Abraham was 75 years old when he left Harran, but what we see in the rest of his story is an elderly gentleman with his elderly wife learning to live into the fullness of all that God has for him because he learns to let go of his way and desires to control everything, and live into the goodness of God who works on his behalf.
Similarly, as we let go and let God, we experience His activity in our lives: His promise, His presence, His protection and His provision. God is not so much interested in where we have been, but where we are headed. He is not so much concerned about our past, but our future. He invites all people to come to Him and be a part of what He is doing to bless the nations.
Lord God, I am letting go of my desire to control everything, as I want to live into Your goodness. Thank You for Your promise, Your presence, Your protection and Your provision.
Acts 12
“The LORD had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” Genesis 12:1
There are three things that provide us a sense of identity in who we are in the world—our country, our people and our family. Yet, these were the very things that God was calling Abraham, in the opening verse of this devotion, to leave behind—to let go.
Abraham was called to let go of living from his national identity and discover his identity in God. We should not construe this as God erasing Abraham’s identity; rather, God was going to shape Abraham and his descendants into a new nation. Abraham was also called to let go of his people. Unlike the people in Genesis 11 that gathered and hoarded as many resources to build an empire to their own great name, God was interested in forming Abraham into a different kind of tribe, one interested in blessing all the peoples on earth. Finally, Abraham was called to let go of his family, those closest and dearest to him. In the ancient Near East, family was everything; it gave security, ability to get employed, significance, and even retirement. Abraham was called to let go of all of that in order to follow God’s calling on his life.
The Lord told Abraham, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:2-3). Did we notice the “I will” statements that God made? This was about what God would do for Abraham and not what Abraham would do for himself. When Abraham let go and rested not on his own resources or ability, he discovered the “I will” of God.
Abraham was 75 years old when he left Harran, but what we see in the rest of his story is an elderly gentleman with his elderly wife learning to live into the fullness of all that God has for him because he learns to let go of his way and desires to control everything, and live into the goodness of God who works on his behalf.
Similarly, as we let go and let God, we experience His activity in our lives: His promise, His presence, His protection and His provision. God is not so much interested in where we have been, but where we are headed. He is not so much concerned about our past, but our future. He invites all people to come to Him and be a part of what He is doing to bless the nations.
Lord God, I am letting go of my desire to control everything, as I want to live into Your goodness. Thank You for Your promise, Your presence, Your protection and Your provision.
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