January 2 I Wednesday
Genesis 4-6
Matthew 2
“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” —Matthew 17:20
If we had plans to drive a beat-up old Chevy across the country, our friends would think we are either foolish or we “must have a lot of faith.” On the other hand, if we were to drive a brand new, fully-loaded BMW across the country, “faith” would hardly enter into it, because we have ample confidence in the car. The exercise of our faith is not confidence in our ability to drive but confidence in the ability of the car.
To say, “We must have a lot of faith,” is actually not speaking too highly of the object of our faith. Jesus says that if we have faith as small as a mustard seed nothing will be impossible for us. He is, of course, talking about faith in God, who is the object of our faith. We cannot have a more trustworthy, capable and secure power to place our faith in than God Himself…and we need only a little. As He works in our lives, our faith in Him grows until we reach that point of not being consciously
aware of the exercise of our faith, because it becomes second nature to us.
This is how Jesus lived His life on earth. His faith in God was such that He gave thanks to His Father before any work was accomplished. On two separate occasions, Jesus gave thanks before feeding a crowd of 5,000 and another of 4,000 plus their families, and all had their fill. Before raising Lazarus from the dead, He again gave thanks. Every miracle and teaching of Jesus was the Father working through Him, with Christ giving
thanks beforehand, expressing His total dependency on His Father.
“Thank You” is the language of faith, whereas “please” is tenuous and shaky. Nowhere in Scripture do we find Jesus or His apostles using the word “please,” except when Jesus said, “...I seek not to please Myself but Him who sent Me” (John 5:30). It is our faith in God that pleases Him and that activates His working in our lives. True faith is not in what God may or may not do but is in God Himself, and to act in faith is to entrust our lives and plans entirely to God with no agenda of our own.
We may doubt the existence of God, but if we exercise a little bit of faith, it will be the best “little bit” of anything we will ever use. Faith is the starting point that leads to everything. Jesus Christ is the everything who alone reconciles us to God and who we will find meets the deepest needs of our hearts.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, I pray for those who have yet to discover You. May they exercise their little bit of faith and come to know the joy of being reconciled to You. Thank You, Lord.
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